As we approach Saturday, the fifth anniversary of the discovery of Saddam Hussein down the most famous spider hole in history, we now have the story of the intelligence, ingenuity, dedication, and, to be sure, luck, that led to his capture.witt1
Army Staff Sgt. Eric Maddox (left) —the man who had the hunch that broke the case— has written a book about this extraordinary accomplishment: Mission: Black List #1: The Inside Story of the Search for Saddam Hussein—As Told by the Soldier Who Masterminded His Capture.

While the conventional wisdom was that Saddam had long since skedaddled, Sgt. Maddox —who was a newbie and something of an inspired amateur— felt that the dictator would be sticking closer to home in order to run the insurgency.  As it turned out, he turned up in Tikrit — which couldn’t have been closer to home.

Sgt. Maddox was a guest this afternoon on the Big O and Dukes show on Washington’s WJFK-FM.  Their show is always entertaining — although the subject matter more usually deals with MMA fighting, video games, snack foods, and dick jokes. They are, however, capable of depth, and their interview with Sgt. Maddox captures the respect of the interviewers, the humility of the man, and the adventure of his story.  Give it a listen here.