Queued on stage by the Fleetwood Mac hit and President Clinton’s 1992 campaign theme “Don’t Stop,” Fox News commentator and former Clinton adviser Dick Morris addressed a packed East Room at the Nixon Library on Tuesday. Afterword he signed copies of his newest New York Times bestseller 2010 Take Back America.
Morris discussed the actions of the Obama Administration during the nation’s economic crisis and Republican chances for 2010.

“We are going to win the back Congress in 2010,” Morris said. “and that includes beating Barbara Boxer.”

Morris then announced – for the first time – that he was endorsing former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina for U.S. Senate.

“I believe she can win,” Morris contended, “in a normal year the moderate candidate would be stronger because Californians were voting on social issues, but today the most important issue is the economy.”

Morris also praised the enduring legacy of President Nixon.

“The relationship that we have today with China is based on President Nixon setting it up.”  Morris said. In the Cold War he “turned a two way fight into a three way fight and that was fundamental to the collapse of the Soviet Union.”

Morris also noted the President’s domestic achievements including the formation of the EPA, the passage of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, and the cost of living adjustment for social security.

As a result of the latter, Morris said, “one-half of impoverished elders were lifted out of poverty.”

[youtube https://youtu.be/t3f-mCRFGU0]