On the website of First Things, papal biographer and author George Weigel reflects on the legacy of Peter Flanigan, generous philanthropist and a loyal friend and confidant of President Nixon who passed away this past summer at the age of 90.
Weigel recognizes Flanigan as one of the notable post-World War II Catholic Republicans who had an impact on American public life.

Flanigan was an integral part of that group of Catholic World War II veterans who re-cast American conservatism, helped effect one of the great political realignments in American history, and made the Republican Party a more comfortable home for Catholics.

Weigel admirably recounts Flanigan’s support of education philanthropy.

Although Peter Flanigan will be sorely missed, his memory will be blessed, especially by the kids he gave a chance.

Click here to read the full article

Click here to read more from the Nixon Foundation on Peter Flanigan