Four-term Congresswoman, 2020 Presidential Candidate and combat veteran Tulsi Gabbard made her inaugural appearance at the Nixon Library on May 29. As an influential political voice whose name is a regular on potential vice president nominee lists, Gabbard spoke about the themes covered in her bestselling new book, For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind, which is currently the number one new release in US National Government books on Amazon.

Covering current topics including security at the US Southern border, recent changes to Title IX and the 2024 election, Gabbard spoke about the importance of ensuring the next generation understands the US Constitution and the freedom it provides. While recognizing how alarming it is that only thirty percent of American Gen Zers are proud of their country, she left the audience with a hopeful call to action to speak out, defend freedom and show up to vote.

Watch here:

Signed copies of For Love of Country are available for purchase in the Nixon Library’s Museum Store.