Date: November 8, 1972

Time: 3:08 pm – 3:11 pm

Location: White House Telephone

Edward R. G. Heath talked with the President.

[See Conversation No. 388-8C]

1972 election

-President’s victory


-House of Representatives and Senate results

Wages and Prices

-Heath’s policies



-Poll results

-US experience

-Union opposition

-General public

-George H. Gallup poll

The President’s second term

-Possible meeting with Heath

[Elizabeth, Queen of England] Elizabeth II

-Meeting with Heath

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Tape Subject Log

(rev. June-07)




-The President’s campaign trip


Vietnam negotiations

-Latest developments on settlement agreement

-[Earl of Cromer] George R.S. Baring

-Alexander M. Haig, Jr.

-Trip to Saigon