Date: April 15, 1973

Time: 10:35 am – 11:15 am

Location: Oval Office

The President met with John D. Ehrlichman.

[A transcript of the following portion of this conversation was initially prepared for the

Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF) and can be found in Record Group (RG) 460, Box

174, pages 1-25. The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff reviewed the transcript and made

changes as necessary. This transcript has been reviewed under the provisions of the Presidential

Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (PRMPA). The National Archives does not

guarantee its accuracy.]

[A transcript of the following portion of this conversation was also prepared Richard Nixon’s

Special White House Counsel for Watergate Matters and submitted to the Committee on the

Judiciary of the House of Representatives. This transcript can be found in Submission of



Tape Subject Log

(rev. March-2011)

Recorded Presidential Conversations (SRPC), pages 669-695 (1-27). Please refer to the RG

460 transcript.]

[Begin transcribed portion]

Manolo Sanchez entered at an unknown time after 10:35 am.

Sanchez left at an unknown time before 11:15 am.

An unknown person entered at an unknown time after 10:35 am.

The unknown person left at an unknown time before 11:15 am.

[End transcribed portion]


-Popular mood


-President’s response

-Comfort, discouragement

-George H. Gallup poll

-Vetoes of bills

-Congressional response

-Social programs

-Congressional votes

-Jules J. Witcover article

-Haynes B. Johnson article

-Witcover interview with Ehrlichman

-Ehrlichman’s approval of article

-Conditions of interview

-President’s assessment of Witcover


-Access to President


-Nicholas P. Thimmesch


-Possible employment

-Ehrlichman’s assessment



Tape Subject Log

(rev. March-2011)


-Support for President


-Michael P. Balzano, Jr.


-Support for staff

-United States Information Agency [USIA]

Ehrlichman’s meeting with Pierre Rinfret, April 14, 1973

-Rinfret’s letter to President

-Ehrlichman’s report to President

Economic papers

-Arthur P. Burns

-Delivery of papers to Executive Office Building [EOB]

-President’s forthcoming meeting with Kleindienst

President’s schedule

-Economic meeting


-George P. Shultz

Economic policy

-Ehrlichman’s view

-Burns’s view

-Phase II economic controls

-Public relations [PR] problem

-Phase II as a PR play

-Reluctance to restart Phase II

-Start of Phase II

-Need for spokesman

-Compared with Robert J. McCloskey at State Department

-Relations with press

-Henry A. Kissinger’s role in foreign affairs


-Press relations

-Economic policy

-Strength of personality

-Treasury Department



Tape Subject Log

(rev. March-2011)

-Relations with financial writers

-Eileen Shanahan [?]

-Francis L Dole [?]

-Carl T. Rowan [?]

The President an Ehrlichman left at 11:15 am.