Date: May 12, 1973

Time: 6:48 pm – 6:56 pm

Location: Camp David Study Table

The President talked with Alexander M. Haig, Jr.

Haig’s schedule


Henry A. Kissinger and girlfriend

Press coverage

-Forthcoming Soviet summit


-Press interest

-Lt. Gen. Vernon A. Walters

-Memoranda of conversation [memcons]

-Activities of H.R. (“Bob”) Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman

-Richard M. Helms

-Views of Haig and J. Fred Buzhardt, Jr.

-President’s knowledge




Tape Subject Log

(rev. February-2012)


-Possible memcons

-Possible testimony

-John W. Dean III


-Walters’s response

-Haldeman’s and Ehrlichman’s activities

-Views of William E. Colby and Dr. James R. Schlesinger

-L[ouis] Patrick Gray, III

-Grand Jury testimony


-Possible Grand Jury testimony


-Forthcoming Grand Jury testimony

-Executive privilege

-Possible indictment

-Haig’s conversation with Lawrence M. Higby

-Maurice H. Stans and John N. Mitchell

-Possible perjury

-Ehrlichman and Haldeman

-Possible perjury


-Forthcoming Grand Jury testimony

-Possible Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] role in cover-up

-President, Ehrlichman and Haldeman
