Vote Like Your Whole World Depended On It: The Story of the 1968 Election


Special Exhibit

NOW OPEN at the Nixon Library


Vote Like Your Whole World Depended On It: The Story of the 1968 Election

Assassinations. Riots. Fires. Destruction in our Cities.

“Did we come all this way for this?”

The 1968 election was a flashpoint in American history that encapsulated the chaos of the time. With casualty counts quickly mounting and no end in sight, the Vietnam War raged on. The Civil Rights movement was at its fever pitch when, in April of 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. This was followed just two months later by the assassination of Robert Kennedy, a leading Democratic candidate for president.

At the Republican National Convention in Miami, Richard Nixon’s nomination was far from certain. And in November of that year, he won the Presidency by a historically slim margin.

We are taking you back to that harrowing, once in a lifetime election year — and you don’t want to miss it.

Step back in time with our newest exhibit, Vote Like Your Whole World Depended On It: The Story of the 1968 Election. 

We have turned back the clock to that fateful year with an interactive exhibit that allows you to sit in a family living room, pop in a Simon and Garfunkel LP, and take in the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite.

The exhibit opens on the 50th anniversary of Richard Nixon’s selection as the presidential nominee at the Republican National Convention in Miami, Florida on August 8, 1968, and will close November 6, the day on which he was declared the winner and elected President of the United States.