On March 16, 1912 — 113 years ago — First Lady Pat Nixon was born, just one day shy of St. Patrick’s Day. Her Irish father, Will Ryan, decided to observe her birthday one day late, dubbing her “my St. Patrick’s Babe in the morning.” Continuing the tradition started by her family, the Richard Nixon Foundation’s annual Pat Nixon Day of Service was held this year on St. Patrick’s Day.

In honor of First Lady Pat Nixon’s commitment to service, her annual birthday commemoration features a community involvement fair. This interactive event connects visitors with ways to give back to the community while showcasing many of the causes that the First Lady championed including 4H, Girl Scouts of USA, and Town and Gown of USC.

A wreath-laying ceremony was held at the First Lady’s memorial site, featuring remarks from Congresswoman Young Kim (CA-40th); Dr. Vikki Shepp, CEO of Girl Scouts of Orange County; Mary Hall, board member of USC Town and Gown; Tamara Martin, Director of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum; Joe Lopez, Acting President and CEO of the Richard Nixon Foundation; and an invocation from Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Pastor at Friendship Baptist Church. The speakers highlighted the First Lady’s Southern California roots and her commitment to volunteerism. After the ceremony, guests celebrated with birthday cake.

Thanks to the following groups for participating in the community involvement fair:
–  4-H
–  American Chinese Athletics Assn.
–  Ardis Foundation
–  Brea Chamber of Commerce
–  Brothers on a Quest
–  Crittenton Services for Children & Families
–  Floral Tea Bakery
–  Franklin Foundation
–  Girl Scouts of USA
–  Littlest Angel Guild
–  Love Yorba Linda
–  Pat Nixon Republican Women
–  Placentia Chamber of Commerce
–  Polly’s Pies
–  Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Docents
–  Richard Nixon Foundation membership
–  Richard Nixon National Archives & Records Administration 
–  Office of Young Kim
–  Southern Army Battalion Recruiting
–  Sunrise Rotary Club Yorba Linda
–  For Families of Active Military
–  Yorba Linda Women’s Club
–  Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce

Thanks to The Crean Foundation for their generous support to make this event possible.