Date: January 2, 1973

Time: 9:44 pm – 10:00 pm

Location: White House Telephone

The President talked with Charles W. Colson.

Henry A. Kissinger

-Recent meeting with the President

-Kissinger’s mood

-Colson and H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman

-Forthcoming meeting

-Newspaper articles [of James B. (“Scotty”) Reston and Joseph C. Kraft]

-Effect on Kissinger

-Crosby S. Noyes

-Stewart J. O. Alsop


-Richard (“Dick”) Wilson


-The President

-The President’s relationship with Kissinger

-Recent meeting with the President

-Kissinger’s morale


-Role in negotiations

-Forthcoming trip to Paris

-The President’s instructions



Tape Subject Log

(rev. Oct.-07)

-Forthcoming meeting with Haldeman and Colson

-Recent meeting with the President


-Instructions for Ronald L. Ziegler

-Forthcoming meeting with Haldeman and Colson

Vietnam negotiations

-Congressional relations

-House of Representatives resolution


-US withdrawal for Prisoners of War [POWs]

-North Vietnamese position

-Foothold in South Vietnam

-US aid to South Vietnam

-Cut off of aid

-The President’s resistance

-US public opinion


-Forthcoming meeting with Haldeman and Colson

-Kissinger’s schedule

-Forthcoming trip to Paris, January 7, 1973

Vietnam negotiations

-The President’s schedule

-Meeting with Kissinger, William P. Rogers, Melvin R. Laird, Adm. Thomas H.

Moorer and Richard M. Helms, January 4, 1973

-Memorial service for [Thomas] Hale Boggs





-Recent and forthcoming meetings with Kissinger


-Bipartisan leadership meeting, January 5, 1973

-The President’s comments

-Sensitivity of talks

-Forthcoming reports to Congress


-Kissinger and Colson’s forthcoming meeting with Alexander M. Haig, Jr.



Tape Subject Log

(rev. Oct.-07)

Roberto Clemente’s death

-Press coverage

-White House statement


-Richard A. Moore


-Daniel M. Galbreath

-Trip to Puerto Rico

-Dale Galbreath

-Group [Roberto Clemente Memorial Fund]

-Anastasio Somoza Debayle

-Trip to Nicaragua

-Roberto Clemente Memorial Fund

-The President’s role

-Press relations

George E. Allen’s [in-laws] [Mr. and Mrs. Felix Lumbrosso]

-White House tour

-Washington, DC


-Press coverage

Congressional relations

Stock market

-Dow Jones industrial average

-Current figure

-Reaction to Vietnam Peace

-Effect on Congress

-State of economy

-Bullish signs

-Press coverage

-News magazines

Congressional relations


-John B. Connally

-Postions on spending, government programs, end of Vietnam War

-Reaction of country



Tape Subject Log

(rev. Oct.-07)

The President’s schedule

-Michael J. Mansfield

-Carl B. Albert

-Bipartisan leadership meeting

-Freshman Congressman reception

-Harry S. Truman’s memorial service

-John A. Scali’s view

-Private memorial service in Independence, Missouri

-Dean Francis B. Sayre

-Ronald L. Ziegler

-Gerald L. Warren

-Forthcoming conversation with the President

-Recent conversation with Colson

-Private memorial service

-Lyndon B. Johnson’s attendance


-Vietnam War

-Congressional relations

Albert E. Sindlinger

-Recent conversation with W. Richard Howard


-Procedures over holidays

-Public awareness of issues

-Public awareness of issues


-National economy

-Retails spending over holidays


National economy

-Retail spending over holidays

-Effect on Gross National Product [GNP]

-Fourth quarter

-Unemployment figures



-Public awareness

-Bipartisanship leadership meeting



Tape Subject Log

(rev. Oct.-07)

-Effect on nation

-Compared to Vietnam War





-Paris negotiations

-Sindlinger poll

Vietnam negotiations

-Congressional relations

-Colson’s recent conversation with William E. Timmons

-J. William Fulbright

-Possible hearings or end the war legislation


-1973 Inauguration

-Administration failure or success

-Political ramifications

-House Democratic Caucus

-End the war legislation

-January 2, 1973

-Republican support for administration

-Future vote

-George S. McGovern

-Possible resolution supporting the President

-Colson’s possible conversation with Gerald R. Ford

-Republican Caucus, January 3, 1973


-House of Representatives

-Forthcoming report to Congress
