Date: September 19, 1972

Time: 10:07 am – 10:34 am

Location: Oval Office

The President met with Stefan Olszowski, Witold Trampczynski, William P. Rogers, Henry K.

Sokalski, and Henry A. Kissinger. Members of the press and the White House photographer

were present at the beginning of the meeting.


-The President’s schedule

-Congressional leaders

[Photograph session]

US relations with Poland

-Olszowski’s meetings with Rogers

-Greetings from Edward Gierek and Piotr Jaroszewicz

-Letter to the President

-The President’s trip to Poland, May 1972

-Trade and science relations

-Peter G. Peterson, Dr. Edward E. David, Jr.

-Economic relations

-Debt repayment

-Poland’s economy

-Export-import [EX-IM] bank credits

-Pre-World War II bonds settlement negotiations

-Scientific and technological cooperation


-Outer space

-Polish people


-The President’s talks in Warsaw

-Soviet Union


-Polish foreign relations

-Relations with West Germany

-Bilateral, multilateral agreements

-US Role



Tape Subject Log

(rev. Nov-03)


-Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe [CSCE]

-1972 US election

-Well wishes from Polish leadership and people

-The President’s trip to Warsaw, May 1972

-The President’s appreciation to Gierek and others

-US foreign policy goals

-Rogers, Kissinger


-Poland’s history and people

-The President’s Warsaw talks

-Olszowski’s talks with Rogers

-The President’s role

-Hope for future


-Gierek, Jaroszewicz, Oszlowski


-Clement Zablocki

-Dinner with Olszowski


-Party affiliation

-1972 election

-George S. McGovern’s prospects

-The President’s recent meeting with Republican

Congressional leaders

-War powers

-Vietnam War

-Oszlowski’s recent conversations with North Vietnamese ambassador


-Paris talks

-1972 election

-North Vietnamese independence from Soviet Union

and Peoples Republic of China [PRC]


-1972 election


-Possible impact of results on North Vietnamese bargaining position

-Olszowski’s conversation with the North Vietnamese


-US negotiating posture

-The President’s conversation with Jaroszewicz and Gierek

-1972 election



Tape Subject Log

(rev. Nov-03)





-Poland’s goal

-Poland’s previous leadership

-Greetings from the President to Gierek and wife and to Jaroszwicz

-Future meeting

-1972 election

Polish women

Presentation of gifts by the President

-Presidential seal

-Oval office

Stephen B. Bull entered at an unknown time after 10:07 am.


Bull left at an unknown time before 10:34 am.


-Steuben glass

-Cuff links

-Presidential seal

Group Captain Surayute Nivasabute, military attache from Thailand

-Incident involving wife

Warsaw talks

Olszowski et al. left at 10:34 am.