Sonny Rises In The West

At 7 PM tonight in Yorba Linda, the Nixon Library will welcome Elvis Presley’s friend and bodyguard Sonny West, who will talk about —and sign copies of— his book Elvis: Still Taking Care of Business. White House photographer Ollie Atkins captured a...


Forty years ago today, Time magazine asked a question that the President would answer definitively on 3 November.

Laughing Matters

From a recent Onion: Report: Majority Of Newspapers Now Purchased By Kidnappers To Prove Date NEW YORK—According to a report published this week in American Journalism Review, 93 percent of all newspaper sales can now be attributed to kidnappers seeking to prove the...

CNN Leaves It There

The revolution manqué has started to devour its own children.  But in a world where so much time is spent automatically bashing Fox News, it’s bracing to see at least some spillover skepticism aimed in CNN’s direction.  Of course the target here is fatuity...