On A Winning Streak

With Tim Tebow and Sam Bradford hurt, President Obama now becomes the favorite to win the Heisman Trophy. And you can help. A tip o’the cap to Nick Ryan.

Annals Of The Obama Administration

The Wall Street Journal yesterday reported on the 45 works of art chosen by the First Lady from various government collections to adorn the White House. Loaned art in the Residence • Josef Albers – Homage to the Square: Elected II – Hirshhorn Museum • Josef Albers –...

Laughing Matters

Saturday Night Live’s cold open did not go unnoticed on the Sunday morning talk shows — providing the basis of this week’s discussion about whether  and/or how much the bloom is off the rose. Like Darrell Hammond with Bill Clinton and Will Ferrell...

A Milestone For The White House Fellowships

Today is the 45th anniversary of the Executive Order that founded the White House Fellows program. The Fellowships’s White House website describes the program’s origins: Declaring that “a genuinely free society cannot be a spectator society,”...

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

The Powers That Be: the President and Mrs. Obama with Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley making their unsuccessful pitch for the ’16 Olympics. The Obamas’ journey to Copenhagen has produced a narrative more suited to Hans Christian Andersen than to David...