Reading Material: D-Day

Landing on Omaha Beach, 6 June 1944: “What chiefly stays in the mind…is the dreadful moment of stepping out into the bullets. Planners anticipated that 20,000 would be killed or wounded in a single day, more than a quarter of all those going ashore....

Annals Of The Obama Administration

On Wednesday afternoon, while POTUS was entering Saudi air space, FLOTUS 44 was entertaining FLOTUS 40 to luncheon in the Family Quarters.  The meal —at which the two met for the first time— was served on the colorful (and once controversially costly)...

Koko Taylor     1935 – 2009

Koko Taylor was born Cora Walton on a farm outside of Memphis. The phenomenal singer died yesterday in a hospital in her home town of Chicago as a result of complications following surgery on 19 May.   She was 80, and she was known around the world as “The Queen...

Due Deference

Compare and contrast the following: EXHIBIT A: BRIAN WILLIAMS AND POTUS 29 MAY 2009 EXHIBIT B: POTUS AND KING ABDULLAH 1 APRIL 2009 What’s going on — the most common denominator of the observed phenomena: