Art Imitates Life

The image has become iconic.  The group photograph of the 1945 Yalta Conference in February 1945: the unhappily marginalized WSC, the ailing, failing FDR, and the grumpy Uncle Joe greedily counting the chickens he was about to hatch. The scene will be recreated in the...

This Just In Re: 16

Four score and seven years ago tomorrow —on 30 May 1922— the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated.   As the Memorial’s website notes: President Lincoln’s only surviving son was a special guest at the May 30, 1922 dedication ceremony for the Lincoln...

Reading Material

For many years I had a degree of respect —a minimal degree and a reluctant respect to be sure— for Richard Ben-Veniste.  This was partly because he had dated Mary Travers (although that may have merited props more than respect); and partly because,...


Over at Salon today Carina Chocano writes about “the magical moneymaking properties of humiliating self-exposure.”  Her cases in point are last night’s ratings grabber season opener of John & Kate Plus 8, and Elizabeth Edwards’ recent, unfortunate, Resilience....

Reading Material

UC Davis history professor Ari Kelman has written a long and interesting review article for the latest TLS, surveying four recent books about Abraham Lincoln. He makes a particularly compelling case for Looking for Lincoln: The making of an American icon, by the...