
  The tradition of a day of remembrance for those who died on both sides in the Civil War —known as Decoration Day— began in the late 1860s.  In 1882 the name was changed to Memorial Day and the fallen of other wars were also honored.  In 1971 President...

Wabash Wonk Revitalizes Republicans

In today’s installment of his WaPo column “The Fix,” Chris Cillizza profiles Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels: “Republican Revolutionary.” The good news is: the profile is interesting and instructive.  The bad news is: Daniels has foresworn...

Laughing Matters

The President’s decision to adjourn his weekly White House luncheon with the Vice President to Ray’s Hell Burger across the Potomac in Arlington, was reported and deconstructed with an intensity that finally struck even the media as a bit much....

Annals Of The Obama Administration

Here is the President’s speech to the White House Correspondents’ annual dinner at the Washington Hilton last night. He reads from a written text, and performs with the expected aplomb.  Some of his jokes are excellent; some are OK; a few are actually...

Weekend Destinations: Staunton, Virginia

Brigadoon in the Blue Ridge: the main street of the Shenandoah Valley town of Staunton, Virginia. If Staunton has a sister city, it must be Brigadoon. Who knew that a small burnished gem was hidden quietly away in the Blue Ridge about two hours southwest of...