Is That A Threat Or A Promise?

The AP reported Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s comment about the the possibility of his cousin Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg being appointed to completeHillary Clinton’s Senate term and running for the seat in 2010: Robert Kennedy said the family would come out en...


From RN: In December 1941, thanks to the recommendations of one of y professors from Duke, David Cavers, I was offered a job with the Office of Price Administration in Washington.  The pay was only $3,200 a year, not nearly as much as Pat and I were making together...


he New York Times today reviews Frost/Nixon.  I think it’s fair to say that Manohla Dargas, the paper’s chief film critic, is not unadmiring; but she is decidedly less impressed, than many other reviewers: Stories of lost crowns lend themselves to drama,...

HAK Weighs In On The Heavyweights

In the Washington Post today, HAK provides a welcome alternative to the too well worn Team of Rivals trope by calling the President-Elect’s national security selections a Team of Heavyweights. Those who take the phrase “team of rivals” literally do...