Oct 2, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
I apologize in advance for the shameless bit of name dropping that is about to take place…..but I remember asking Henry Fonda why he so disliked RN — was it because of Vietnam (the conversation took place the spring of 1972) or the economy or something else? I...
Oct 1, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Poised as we are on the passage of the newly expanded and befestooned bailout recovery legislation, it would be a shame if the rush of events swamped last week’s eloquent expression by Representative Boehner. As Politico famously reported: In a closed-door...
Sep 28, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Once again you’ve got to hand it to Maureen Dowd. Even in an otherwise uneven column like today’s, she can still come up with the kind of stinging snarkism that says all there is to say about the subject at hand: Who would have dreamed that when socialism...
Sep 27, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Apparently I wasn’t the only one to be a bit unsettled by the image of that long empty corridor behind President Bush in his too-little-too-late attempt to address the nation’s concerns about the careening economy. (What the President was really trying to...
Sep 26, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
In their column today, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann lay down the “Morning Debate Line”. It’s pretty basic analysis but the Morrises pull it together very well. They clearly feel that Senator McCain’s decision to suspend his campaign has...