The Sins Of The Fathers

……shouldn’t be visited on the children. Much less the grandchildren. Just because granddad’s gig was an unmitigated disaster for the entire world doesn’t mean that you’re disqualified from giving it a go in your own time....

An Infamous Day Forty Years On

In the Telegraph (London), Czech-born British TV journalist John Tusa remembers forty years ago today, 21 August 1968, when the Warsaw Pact tanks rolled into Czechoslovakia and crushed the hopes raised by the Prague Spring. Sir John has prepared a series of four...

Culture War

On the fortieth anniversary of the Soviet crushing of the Prague Spring, comes news of a Russian celebration, in occupied South Ossetia, of the rape of Georgia. Valery Gergiev, who is the principal conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra and who has conducted in...

Hua Guofeng 1921-2008

Hua Guofeng, the Second Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, is dead at the age of 87. Born in Shanxi province, he joined the Red Army when he was fifteen. He became a full Party member in 1938 and was assigned to Hunan province after the Communists took it over....

Plus Ca Change Etc.

Michael Barone looks at today’s headlines —an Olympics in Beijing, an invasion in Georgia, a speech in Berlin—and is reminded of 1936 and 1948 and 1963 and 1989. His excellent column  —“Echoes of Berlin”— draws parallels...