Forty Years On

Here on the east coast there is still a short time left of the fortieth anniversary of Robert Kennedy’s assassination on 6 June 1968. Earlier this evening I was listening to C-SPAN radio’s excellent omnibus program: Press Secretary Frank Mankiewicz’...

Your Call Is Important To Us Please Stay On The Line

My favorite detail from last night’s still apparently anti-climactic events in the Obama-Clinton combat is this one from today’s New York Post: He tried to call her twice following the speech – but got her voicemail. She finally returned the call as...

Watch What I Do Not What I Say

According to Liz Smith’s column today: SUSAN SARANDON, who appeared in three films last year and won kudos for her TV movie “Bernard and Doris,” is still not a contented soul. She says if John McCain gets elected, she will move to Italy or Canada....

Young Hillary Clinton

Comedian-actor-writer Jerry O’Connell has produced an amusing video that would have been even more amusing with the aid of a stern editor. But it still has its moments. And here it is (with a tip o’ the cap to The Big Lead).

A Young Senator’s Senior Moments

Because its author is Brent Bozell and the venue is, some will dismiss this column as conservative boilerplate.But that would be a mistake. Mr. Bozell’s quotes from mainstream sources (Jake Tapper of ABC and Marc Ambinder of Atlantic Monthly) show...