Now You Can Watch What I Say And What I Do

In this week’s New York Observer, Felix Gillette had an interesting article about the most recent —and most prominent— examples of news anchor off-camera meltdowns preserved on tape and served up for viewing across the universe. On 14 May, Torrey...

James Rosen on Q&A

Here’s a link to James Rosen’s appearance last night on c-span’s Q&A. You can read the transcript or watch Brian Lamb lead the hour-long discussion about Mr. Rosen’s about to be published (in 24 hours) book The Strong Man — a...

The Write Stuff

Reading yet another glowing review of Robert Schlesinger’s new book about presidential speechwriters —White House Ghosts— in today’s Washington Post reminded me that I meant to post a link to an earlier review (in the Washington Times) written...

Fifty Years On

What with all the 40th anniversary blathering about the “Spring of ‘68” and the international youth uprising that it is now fondly remembered as having represented (especially by the no-longer-youths who were there then and are now writing the cultural criticism), it...

Today In History: 12 May 1970

An earlier post today dealt with some of the information that has started to flow from the papers and materials that Georgetown Law Professor Sam Dash’s estate deeded to the Library of Congress after his death in 2004 and which have just been opened to the public....