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Taking the Heat

During the 1973 energy crisis, RN took criticism for his habit of running the fireplace and the air conditioning at the same time.    And so it is worth noting this item from today’s New York Times: The capital flew into a bit of a tizzy when, on his first full...


In the final hours of his tenure, President Bush commuted the sentences of Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio “Nacho” Ramos, the former Border Patrol agents who were serving time for shooting a drug smuggler. This action draws attention to the presidential...

Reaching Out, 1969 and 2009

President-elect Obama has rightly received praise for reaching out to congressional Republicans.  But he’s following an old path.  In 1969, RN did something similar.  From a The New York Times report dateline January 28, 1969 (published the next day): President...

Two Enlightened Dads

In The Politico, Andie Coller suggests that President-elect Obama’s rhetoric stems from his enlightened ideas about fatherhood: The “change we can believe in,” it turns out, shares a lot with the revolution in thinking about child-rearing sprung from the work of...

RN’s Christmas Present to John McCain

John McCain recalls the Christmas of 1972: Finally came the day I’ll never forget—the eighteenth of December, 1972. The whole place exploded when the Christmas bombing ordered by President Nixon began. They hit Hanoi right off the bat. It was the most...