John Stossel Comes to Nixon Library

Fox Business host John Stossel discussed his new book, No, They Cant: Why Government Fails – But Individuals Succeed last Monday at the Nixon Library: Jonathan Movroydis is the Director of Communications at the Richard Nixon Foundation.

Nixon Aide Discusses Pioneering Trip

Stephen Hess, who assisted Vice President Nixon on his first book Six Crises, and later served as the 37th President’s Deputy Assistant for Urban Affairs, explains the genesis of the vision for the China journey: In a restorative break from an intense Beijing...

40 Years Ago – RN Goes to China

Former Nixon aide and future U.S. Ambassador to China Winston Lord, and Daily Beast contributor and then diplomatic correspondent Leslie Gelb, write of the 37th President’s diplomatic tour de force: Forty years past, world politics were churning with a vicious Vietnam...

Tricia Nixon Cox En Vogue

Our President’s daughter was invited to join actress Meryl Streep in the lead feature of January’s Vogue Magazine! The story and photo essay detail a bipartisan group of women who are spearheading the campaign for a National Women’s History Museum on...