Oct 27, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
Madame Li Xiaolin, the daughter of former Chinese President Li Xiannian, hosted a special film screening at the Nixon Library Friday. Her new documentary is “Touching the Tigers,” the story of World War II and volunteer “Flying Tigers” pilot...
Oct 21, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
Fox News commentator and former Bush Senior Adviser Karl Rove spoke before a large audience Thursday at the Nixon Library, where he discussed President Obama’s job performance and Republican prospects for victory in 2012. Afterward he signed copies of his...
Oct 20, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
Three Nixon administration officials who formulated and executed the thirty-seventh President’s energy policy convened at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, Wednesday. The occasion was the 38th anniversary of America’s...
Oct 19, 2011 | Nixon Legacy Forums, Uncategorized
October 19, 2011: A discussion on how President Nixon responded when the 1973 OPEC Oil Embargo clashed with an ever increasing national demand for energy resources. Participants included Guy F. Cauruso, CSIS’s resident energy expert; Ambassador Richard...
Oct 19, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
In the 1970’s the supply and cost of energy emerged as a major national and international issue. This Legacy Forum addresses how the 37th President suddenly has to confront an energy crisis and establish America’s first energy policy. Participants include...