Jun 25, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
Former Deputy Special Assistant to President Nixon, Bruce Herschensohn discussed how the 37th President would have handled the current conflict in the Middle East and Israel’s dealings with the Palestinian Authority. Topics covered included RN’s policy...
Jun 24, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
John R. Price, Special Assistant to President Nixon for urban affairs from 1969 to 1972, presented a lecture at Oxford’s Rothermere American Institute on President Nixon’s leadership on the domestic front. Titled Richard Nixon: The Last of the Moderate...
Jun 24, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
On June 13, the Foundation and National Archives hosted Organized Crime in the Nixon Era, a Nixon Legacy Forum on RN’s work with Congress to enact sweeping anti-crime legislation and how he gave the Justice Department the tools to more effectively fight organized...
Jun 24, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
Move America Forward hosted its fourth 4th annual troopathon at the Nixon Library on Thursday, raising a total of $507,843 in care packages which will be sent to troops serving overseas. Webcast live from the Library’s magnificent East Room, guests –...
Jun 18, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
Cara Buckley writes in the Times “Style” section: Both come from families steeped in politics. Mr. Cox, now 32, is the only child of Tricia Nixon Cox and Edward F. Cox. His father, a member of an old New York family, is a lawyer and the chairman of the New...