Video: Dick Morris Packs the East Room

Queued on stage by the Fleetwood Mac hit and President Clinton’s 1992 campaign theme “Don’t Stop,” Fox News commentator and former Clinton adviser Dick Morris addressed a packed East Room at the Nixon Library on Tuesday. Afterword he signed...

Ed Nixon, Congressman Miller Highlight Memorial Day

Over 2,000 commemorated the Memorial Day holiday at the Nixon Library, where events started with a plaque dedication at RN’s Birthplace by the Native Sons of the Golden West, a fraternal organization dedicated to preserving the history of California. The Native...

Video: Uncovering the Mysteries of Watergate

Former Nixon Domestic Council official, Watergate defense lawyer, and author Geoff Shepard presented the fourth Richard Nixon Legacy Forum Monday. Shepard spoke about the conventional wisdom of Watergate, five alternative perspectives on how the controversy unfolded,...

The Mysteries of Watergate

May 2010: Geoff Shepard, former Associate Director of the White House Domestic Counsel, and former Deputy of President Nixon’s legal defense raises questions about John Dean and the special prosecutor’s case against the administration.