Jun 24, 2008 | Nixon Library Events, Nixon TV, Watergate
[youtube https://youtu.be/gICgyHw95jg] June 24, 2008: Geoffrey Shepard, former Associate Director of the White House Domestic Council, talks working in the Nixon White House and Watergate.
Jan 1, 2008 | China, Nixon Library Events, Nixon TV
[youtube https://youtu.be/ECd_fNnZDjI] 2008: British historian Margaret MacMillan discusses, “Nixon and Mao: The Week That Changed the World.”
Feb 1, 2007 | Middle East, Nixon Library Events, Nixon TV
[youtube https://youtu.be/LNUKK-stIp0] February 2007: Michael Oren, now Ambassador of Israel to the United States, discusses his book, “Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America’s History in the Middle East from 1776 to the Present.”
Jan 9, 2007 | Foundation News, Nixon Library Events, Nixon TV
[youtube https://youtu.be/gCQSuGpDmSc] January 9, 2007: President Nixon’s younger brother talks about the roots of the Nixon family.