Nov 6, 1968 | Nixon TV, Pre-Presidential Years
[youtube] November 6, 1968: President Nixon gives his 1968 election victory speech.
Oct 1, 1968 | Nixon TV, Nixon's Comeback, Pre-Presidential Years
[youtube] In a live telecast, Richard Nixon faces a panel of Georgia citizens asking the questions they want answered. Filmed in Atlanta, Georgia. From the archives of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and...
Aug 8, 1968 | Nixon Speeches, Nixon TV
[youtube] August 8, 1968: Richard Nixon accepts the Republican nomination for President.
Feb 1, 1968 | Nixon Speeches, Nixon TV, Pre-Presidential Years
[youtube] Compilation footage of Richard Nixon kicking off his campaign in February 1968. A work of John Donaldson Productions. From the archives of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library.
Nov 6, 1966 | News, Nixon TV, Wilderness Years
[youtube] November 6, 1966: Richard Nixon’s appearance on Issues & Answers. Features a film clip of President Johnson criticizing Nixon as a “chronic campaigner.” Also featured are Nixon’s remarks on bipartisan...