Oct 27, 2015 | Nixon Library Events, Nixon TV
[youtube https://youtu.be/lnZQT_qB3m8] Acclaimed journalists Morton Kondracke and Fred Barnes sat down with the Richard Nixon Foundation to discuss Jack Kemp and President Nixon.
Oct 27, 2015 | Nixon Library Events, Nixon TV
[youtube https://youtu.be/31tpykbBjsI] October 27, 2015: Authors of “Jack Kemp: The Bleeding-Heart Conservative Who Changed America” Drawing on never-published papers and the Kemp oral history project, noted journalists Morton Kondracke and Fred Barnes...
Oct 26, 2015 | Nixon Library Events, Nixon TV
[youtube https://youtu.be/e3fQE26it6U] Foreign Policy Managing Editor, Yochi Dreazen discusses his book, The Invisible Front: Love and Loss in an Era of Endless War, about two brothers who died while serving with the U.S. Army, one by a roadside bomb in Iraq and the...
Oct 21, 2015 | Nixon Library Events, Nixon TV
[youtube https://youtu.be/O-OPPQS0jj8] October 21, 2015: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich returned to the Nixon Library to discuss the 2016 elections, the state of American politics and his new novel Duplicity, a gripping thriller to which Gingrich brings his...
Oct 12, 2015 | Nixon Library Events, Nixon TV
[youtube https://youtu.be/DVljxS5Ca3s] October 12, 2015: Ann Romney is the author of “In This Together: My Story.” The former First Lady of Massachusetts and bestselling author talks candidly about her journey with multiple sclerosis. Her new book shares...