Is Sarah Palin In Or Out Of The Picture?

On November 11, 1962, five days after Richard Nixon told an audience of reporters that “you won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference,” ABC News aired a thirty-minute TV special titled The Political...

John Dean And The Tapes

No, not those tapes. A little over two weeks ago I posted about one of the webpages of the groundbreaking and very informative site run by Luke Nichter, an assistant professor of history at Tarleton State University in Texas. This page, at the time I...

A Look Into The Cabinet

The death at age 93 of Robert S. McNamara, Secretary of Defense under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, stirs up a whole host of memories for people of a certain age – as many (and as mixed) as are stirred up by the death of Michael Jackson where a younger...

The Washington Post, Disgraced

There are some alternate titles that came to mind as I prepared to write this, but since some of TNN’s readers are employees of the Washington Post – some of very long standing indeed – I thought it best to go with the least abrasive one that I...

Journalism 101 With Bob Woodward

Youtube is setting up a kind of journalism school of the internet, featuring clips in which various eminences of the Fourth Estate attempt to explain their profession in the space of five or six minutes. The project is being undertaken with the cooperation of many of...