Please Hold For The President, Mr. Langella

An article about Frost/Nixon in yesterday’s Norfolk Virginian-Pilot features some lengthy quotes from Frank Langella. Among his ruminations: Langella acknowledges that Peter Morgan’s script, adapted from Morgan’s own play, is not historically...

Pat Buchanan On Mark Felt’s Passing

At yesterday, Nixon White House advisor and speechwriter, and former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan offered his assessment of the career of W. Mark Felt, the self-identified “Deep Throat” who died last week.  He observes: Indeed, if what...

Watergate Revisionism CREEPs Into Washington Post?

It’s hard to resist capitalizing that that word when writing on this subject and this newspaper. That said, the reaction of Washington Post writers to the death of W. Mark Felt, who unveiled himself in 2005 as “Deep Throat,” has been, a little...

Another Side Of Mark Felt

As readers of his book about the 1950 Senate election in California (Tricky Dick And The Pink Lady) know, Editor & Publisher editor-in-chief Greg Mitchell is far from being a fan of the 37th President. But, as this article shows, he is aware, from personal...

Yet Another Watergate Mystery

In the wee small hours of this morning, the Washington Post’s website posted (and the newspaper itself printed) an obituary for W. Mark Felt, the former FBI associate director who, in 2005, was identified by himself and the Post’s Bob Woodward and Carl...