Tricia Nixon Cox En Vogue

Our President’s daughter was invited to join actress Meryl Streep in the lead feature of January’s Vogue Magazine! The story and photo essay detail a bipartisan group of women who are spearheading the campaign for a National Women’s History Museum on...

Virginia H. Knauer, 1915-2011

On October 16, Virginia H. Knauer died at her home in Washington; only late last week did obituaries start to appear from coast to coast noting her passing.  Ms. Knauer had a long and distinguished career, which had among its highlights the fact that, from 1969 until...

What McGovern Learned

Years after losing to RN in the 1972 presidential election, George McGovern started a small business.  In part because of taxes and government regulations, it went bust.  At the Houston Chronicle, Chris Ladd writes: McGovern described the lessons he learned from his...

More On The “Nixon Shock” of 1971

This week two columns at discuss different aspects of the economic initiatives President Nixon launched in August 1971, which produced changes in the American economy which still reverberate today. One is by Joseph J. Thorndike, a leading tax historian...