A Jazz Legend in the Soviet Union

A Jazz Legend in the Soviet Union

Amidst the preparations for President Nixon’s upcoming visit to Moscow, another American cultural icon toured the Soviet Union in the fall of 1971. Traveling to five different Soviet cities in a month’s time, Jazz legend Duke Ellington put on twenty-two performances...
President Nixon and Non-Proliferation

President Nixon and Non-Proliferation

With the number of nuclear weapon states steadily rising, and tensions between the Cold War superpowers continuing to intensify, world leaders on both sides of the Iron Curtain recognized that “the proliferation of nuclear weapons would seriously enhance the danger of...
Unpredictability: A Tenet of A Strong Foreign Policy

Unpredictability: A Tenet of A Strong Foreign Policy

In his first address on foreign policy two months ago, presidential candidate Donald Trump explained that one of the key strategies missing in United States foreign policy was unpredictability. If elected President, Trump charged, it would serve for him and the nation...