Richard Nixon and Post-Yeltsin Russia

Richard Nixon and Post-Yeltsin Russia

Nixon and Boris Yeltsin in Moscow 1991 Following Richard Nixon’s funeral service in 1994, Time Magazine ran the 37th President’s photo on the cover, for a record forty-eighth time, under the headline: “His parting advice to Bill Clinton: America Must Lead.”  When it...

Why Europe was President Nixon’s First Foreign Trip

By Chris Barber Having witnessed the necessity of U.S. support for post-war Western Europe under the Marshall Plan as a Congressman, Richard Nixon the President viewed his first foreign trip to Europe as priority above all else. On February 6, 1969, President Nixon...

Is Rubio the New Nixon?

Speaking at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington last week, Florida Senator Marco Rubio articulated a foreign policy more centrist than many of his peers would agree with. Among the Republican Party are interventionist hawks and libertarian isolationists....