Christopher Nixon Cox Speaks About China

Last Thursday night, Manhattan attorney Christopher Nixon Cox spoke at Franklin Pierce University in Rindge, New Hampshire. His talk, “The 40th Anniversary of President Nixon’s Trip to China – Moving Forward,” not only examined his...

The War Powers Act: 40 Years of Constitutional Debate

40 years ago today, President Nixon used his presidential veto powers and controversially stood firm against the War Powers Act introduced and passed by a Democratically controlled Congress in 1973. While President Nixon was working diligently towards securing...

Finding Nixon in Arabia

The Obama administration recently announced that it will be freezing hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to the Egyptian military on the condition that the Arab nation display credible progress toward a return to democratic rule. The State Department...

Putin’s Plea… for a Nixonian President

On September 11, Vladimir Putin exercised a freedom protected by the United States that is not widely available in his country, freedom of the press.  In what spread across the internet like wild fire, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s op-ed piece, published by the...