Aug 14, 2012 | Foreign Policy, News, The New Nixon
A Presidential Kill List, the use of cyber-attacks to stall foreign nuclear development, and attacking enemies by using the most advanced military tactics and instruments in the world may sound like the description of a blockbuster action film. It isn’t. In reality,...
Jul 19, 2012 | China, Foreign Policy, News, Nixon Today
At the Nixon Library last week, Fox News star Monica Crowley gave an exclusive talk on working for President Nixon as his foreign policy assistant from 1990 to 1994: Jonathan Movroydis is the Director of Communications at the Richard Nixon Foundation.
Apr 28, 2012 | Domestic Policy, Foreign Policy, News, Pre-Presidential Years
In the Washington Post, Washington lawyer and former DoD consultant Elliot Feldman argues for the permanence of the all-volunteer force: The answer does not lie in larger forces that we cannot afford nor in a coercive system that is inherently unfair. The U.S....
Feb 28, 2012 | China, Foreign Policy, News
Following a week of diplomatic discussions and debates with Chinese officials, President Nixon, together with the leadership of the People’s Republic of China, released the historic Shanghai Communiqué early in the morning on February 28. After very few hours of...
Feb 27, 2012 | China, Foreign Policy, News
President Nixon’s last full day in the People’s Republic of China was by far the busiest. The day began with an early flight from Hang-chou to Shanghai. The President and First Lady said goodbye to their hosts on the Hang-chou Provincial and Municipal Revolutionary...
Feb 26, 2012 | China, Foreign Policy, News
The morning of February 26 was spent making final preparations for travel from Peking to the next stop on the President’s trip, Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Province. President Nixon and Premier Chou En-lai left for Peking’s Capitol Airport at 8:30 a.m. and...