RN on American Decline

Forty years ago today, RN spoke to Midwestern news executives. In The New York Times, Tom Switzer quotes that speech to suggest that RN embraced American decline: Not only had the Soviets matched U.S. military might, the old cold warrior conceded, but Japan and...

Henry Kissinger Speaks On China And The Mideast

This month, Dr. Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State during the Nixon and Ford Administrations and co-winner of the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize, published his first new book in eight years, On China. (Its publisher, Simon & Schuster, has simultaneously reissued Dr....

Obama Puts The War Powers Resolution To The Test

Today marks a significant milestone in a contest between the executive and legislative branches of this nation’s government that began nearly four decades ago, for it looks as if President Obama will not be asking Congress to permission to continue...

Nixon’s Advice On How To Deal With Libya

It has been very clear, since the end of February, that the crisis in Libya is becoming an event that, without decisive handling by the world’s major powers, could endanger not only the global economy’s halting steps to recovery from the 2007-2009...