Aug 6, 2013 | News, News Media
This aide to Mr. Nixon would send memos to White House staff regarding audience ratings of the President’s television appearances. Here is the most recent TV rating I have come across. CNN’s “Our Nixon,” broadcast on August 1, 2013 drew 645,000 total viewers in...
Jun 7, 2013 | China, Foreign Policy, Library & Foundation, News Media, Nixon Today, Pat Nixon, Republican Party, The New Nixon, The Nixons, Vice President Nixon
RN and PN with Walter and Leonore Annenberg at La Casa Pacifica in 1969. No it would not, on two counts; first, that it was RN’s diplomatic appointment of Annenberg that began his foreign service and second that it was RN who, of course, opened the U.S. and western...
May 24, 2013 | News Media, Nixon TV, Vietnam
[youtube] On May 24, 1973, President and First Lady Nixon hosted American Prisoners of War held captive in Vietnam for the largest dinner ever held at the White House. 40 years later, the Richard Nixon Foundation hosted what was perhaps...
May 1, 2013 | China, News Media, Nixon TV
[youtube] May 2013: Highlights of a delegation led by President Nixon’s grandson, Christopher Nixon Cox, and Nixon administration officials.
Apr 20, 2013 | Domestic Policy, News, News Media
Monday, April 22, marks the 44th annual observance of Earth Day. It was founded in 1970 at the urging of a number of environmental groups and others interested in bringing public attention to the threat to human, animal and plant life posed by pollution and other...
Feb 25, 2013 | News, News Media
David Nazar reports: Watch Nixon Centennial Exhibit on PBS. See more from KOCE.