Oct 22, 2013 | News, The New Nixon
Members of the White House Communications Agency-audio visual branch who supported President Nixon held a reunion at the Nixon Library on Saturday, October 19. The group toured the museum galleries and archives area and had lunch in the East Room. The White House...
Oct 21, 2013 | News, The New Nixon
Actor Ben Stein, who was once a young speech writer in the Nixon White House, spoke with Yahoo! Finance today about President Nixon’s vision for healthcare in the United States. Click here to watch the clip.
Oct 21, 2013 | News, The New Nixon
This week Nixonfoundation.org spoke with Jeffrey Donfeld, a former member of the Nixon White House staff who was on the ground in Israel when the Yom Kippur War broke out 40 years ago in October 1973. Mr. Donfeld joined the White House as Staff Assistant to the...
Oct 19, 2013 | Foreign Policy, Middle East, News
The resolution this week of the budget crisis – at least for the rest of the year – has resulted in many Americans thinking once again about the problems of the Middle East. Violence continues unabated in Syria, and just yesterday, in protest of what it...
Oct 19, 2013 | Domestic Policy, News, Pop Culture, The New Nixon
Recently, Oscar winner and House of Cards star Kevin Spacey shared some surprisingly favorable words for Richard Nixon, shedding some light on the efforts of the President to extend federal support for the National Endowment for the Humanities. Spacey, a strong...
Oct 17, 2013 | Foreign Policy, Middle East, News
The Obama administration recently announced that it will be freezing hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to the Egyptian military on the condition that the Arab nation display credible progress toward a return to democratic rule. The State Department...