Forward Progress, Title IX 41 Years Later

This past Tuesday marks the forty-first anniversary of the Education Amendments of 1972. On June 23, 1972, President Nixon signed the amendments which included the non-busing policy and Title IX. Title IX had a broad but inconspicuous potential to its legislators, as...

Mitigating Tensions in the Pacific

If President Nixon’s July 15th, 1971 announcement of his trip to China was a surprise to the USA, it was a shock to Japan. As Minoru Kusuda, then Chief Secretary to Prime Minister Eisaku Sato, said in 1996: “[T]here was a joke circulating among Japanese diplomats that...

Realizing Potential Behind the Peacemaker

Modern US-China relations have expanded beyond what any of President Nixon’s contemporaries could have imagined. On March 7, 1972, just a week after President Nixon’s famous trip to China, US National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger told reporters: “On trade, any of...