The First US Presidential Trip to Israel

President Obama’s trip to Israel — his first as POTUS — has appropriately generated much interest and intrigue, given the delicate state of affairs in the Middle East. It is appropriate on such an occasion, as many media outlets have done, to recall...

Pat Nixon’s 101st

Today, March 16, would have been Pat Nixon’s 101st birthday….but since her Irish-American father Bill Ryan always liked to think of her as his “Saint Patrick’s babe born in the morn,” she grew up celebrating her birthday on the 17th, and...

RN on President Eisenhower

Yesterday, C-SPAN’s American History TV aired an unedited excerpt of RN’s 1991 interview with independent producer George Coburn about his recollections as Vice President to President Eisenhower. RN discussed Ike’s leadership and the 34th...