Neil Armstrong At Rest

Today, exactly three weeks after his death, the cremated remains of Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, were laid to rest somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean by his family and the crewmen of the USS Philippine Sea.  Given Mr. Armstrong’s dislike...

The Nixons’ Disney Monorail Ride

In June 1959, Vice President Nixon and family, with Walt Disney and Art Linkletter opened the Disneyland Monorail. “Legend” Bob Gurr recounts the fun – and very humorous – event:

9.4.1970 – The Flag Flies High

On September 4, 1970, President Nixon — on the advice of his wife — issued a presidential proclamation mandating that the American flag that flies high over the White House is to fly 24 hours a day, seven days a week — regardless of whether or not...

Neil Armstrong And The “Silent Generation”

At the beginning of this month, in the lists of celebrity birthdays online and in the newspaper, one would see that on the fifth, “astronaut Neil Armstrong is 82” – just as he had turned 81 the year before that, and so on, going back to 1969 when his...

How Should We Judge Re-Election Campaigns?

The upcoming presidential election between President Obama and Governor Romney is shaping up to be one of the closest since President Nixon defeated Hubert Humphrey in 1968. That election came down to a margin of only 511,944 votes nationwide; a number of votes that...