Working For The Elder Statesman

At the Nixon Library last week, Fox News star Monica Crowley gave an exclusive talk on working for President Nixon as his foreign policy assistant from 1990 to 1994: Jonathan Movroydis is the Director of Communications at the Richard Nixon Foundation.

Keeping The Professionalism In Politics

In a brave act of bipartisanism, Senator John McCain came to the defense of Huma Abedin, a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whom certain members of congress have charged with serious accusations. Senator McCain remarked on the Senate floor, “Recently,...

White House Portraits: Bringing First Families Together

In keeping with a longstanding presidential tradition, President and First Lady Obama welcomed their predecessors President and First Lady Bush back to the White House to view their official White House portraits last week. President and Mrs. Nixon extended a similar...

The Hiss Case — Still Relevant

It was the case that first introduced Richard Nixon, then a first-term congressman from California, to the national political stage sixty-four years ago.  It made all of his subsequent political success possible. It also planted seeds of animosity toward him on the...