Secretary Clinton On Asia Today

In the October 1967 issue of Foreign Affairs, an article appeared under the byline of Richard Nixon, “Asia After Viet Nam.”  (The two-word spelling of this country’s name was what the magazine’s editors favored, but here I’ll use the more...

“The Gift That Keeps On Giving”

The phrase above has a long history, and, apart from certain quarters of the Fourth Estate, has a variety of meanings. It was originated back in the Roaring Twenties, somewhere in the offices of the Victor Talking Machine Company, part of the Radio Corporation of...

Roger Williams 1924-2011

“Pianist to the Presidents” Roger Williams  has died. He was 87. Performing at the White House since the days of the Truman Presidency, Williams was a dear friend to the Nixon Family and the Richard Nixon Foundation. Williams first performed for President...