Video: Writing For 37

Yesterday I attended the highly illuminating and interesting discussion at George Washington University’s Morton Auditorium in which after an introduction by Geoff Shepard, formerly of the Nixon White House’s Domestic Council, five of the thirty-seventh...

White House Wordsmiths Remember Writing For RN

The Richard Nixon Foundation hosted its 11th Nixon Legacy forum before a packed audience at George Washington University’s Jack Morton Auditorium Monday. “Writing for 37,” featured five distinguished wordsmiths who began working with Richard Nixon on...

Issa, Nixon, and Obama

Representative Darrell Issa, chair of the Government Reform and Oversight Committee, has suggested that the Obama adminstration is too “Nixonian” in its approach to government transparency.  But when it comes to foreign policy, says Mr. Issa, it is not...

Cambodian New Year Celebrated at Nixon Library

Hundreds came to celebrate the coming of the Cambodia New Year Friday in the East Room of the Nixon Library  where events included traditional dances by performers from the Khmer Arts Academy, remarks by author and political commentator Bruce Herschensohn, and a...