Cambodian New Year Celebrated at Nixon Library

Hundreds came to celebrate the coming of the Cambodia New Year Friday in the East Room of the Nixon Library  where events included traditional dances by performers from the Khmer Arts Academy, remarks by author and political commentator Bruce Herschensohn, and a...

Foundation Hosts U.S. Archivist, Assistant Archivist

Coinciding with the opening of the NARA Watergate exhibit, the Nixon Foundation hosted a luncheon today to honor the Archivist of the United States, Mr. David S. Ferriero, as well as the Assistant Archivist for Presidential Libraries, Ms. Sharon Fawcett. Prior to...

Statement on Opening of Watergate Gallery

Statement by Ronald H. Walker,Chairman of the Board The Richard Nixon Foundation March 31, 2011 Nearly 40 years after President Nixon left office, Watergate remains a controversial and much-studied subject. It is however, just one chapter in the enormously...