Mar 30, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
When the Nixon Library opened in July 1990, the single largest exhibit devoted to one subject was Watergate. The exhibit presented President Nixon’s perspective on Watergate, 16 years after he left office. It remained in place for 17 years, until it was removed...
Mar 28, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
The new Watergate Gallery created by the National Archives opens Thursday, March 31, 2011. The Richard Nixon Foundation was asked to comment on a draft of the exhibit’s text. The Foundation’s response to NARA’s request was sent to Assistant Archivist for...
Mar 24, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
Thousands of Orange County youngsters and their teachers visited the Nixon Library on Wednesday for the 15th annual Orange County Children’s Water Education Festival. Brought to the Nixon Library by the leadership of Congressman Gary Miller, the two day event...
Mar 15, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
Today, Pat Nixon would have turned 99. As was her custom, however, she would have marked the occasion tomorrow – on St. Patrick’s Day. As to why, her father, Will Ryan, once explained it to her brother, Bill: “Well, she was there in the morning, my St. Patrick’s...
Mar 15, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
Memorial services 11:30 am, Sunday, March 20 at the Nixon Library The Guild is mourning the loss of one of our founding Docents Alice Armstrong. Alice was a member of the Guild from the opening of the Library in 1990. She was a founding Docent, charter member and life...
Mar 14, 2011 | News, The New Nixon
Nearly 4,000 packed the Nixon Library for the celebration of the Girl Scouts’ and First Lady Pat Nixon’s 99th birthdays. In keeping with this year’s theme of “Celebrating Differences,” Orange County area scouts set up interactive booths...