Dec 6, 2010 | News, Nixon TV
[youtube] December 6, 2010: The Victory of Freedom Gala also included a special tribute video to Sec. Rumsfeld featuring Speaker Newt Gingrich, Hon. Alan Greenspan, Generals Peter Pace and Richard Myers, commentator Charles Krauthammer,...
Dec 6, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
The Nixon Library Docent Guild and the Richard Nixon Foundation paid tribute to Orange County troops who lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan in a special Christmas dedication in the East Room yesterday. Family members of the fallen were invited to place ornaments...
Dec 6, 2010 | News, Uncategorized
The Nixon Library Docent guild and the Richard Nixon Foundation honor Orange County heroes who sacrificed their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan this Christmas season. Staff Sgt. Faoa Leonidas Apineru, US Marine Corps Army S. Sgt Marc Arizmendez, US Army Staff Sgt....
Dec 4, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
Forty years ago today, RN held a ceremony at which Chief Justice Burger swore in the first administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency: William Ruckelshaus. RN said: “We are very proud to have had him in the administration in a very distinguished...
Nov 29, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
On Sunday, Former Arkansas Governor and current Fox News host Mike Huckabee spoke before a packed East Room at the Nixon Library, discussing the current state of the union, the results of the midterm election and what it means for the future of conservatism in...
Nov 28, 2010 | News, Nixon TV
[youtube] November 28, 2010: Former Arkansas Governor and current Fox News host Mike Huckabee discusses the current state of the union and the conservative principles that should be applied to get America back on course. After the lecture...