10.28.1972 – RN’s ‘One America’ Radio Address

“Today,” President Nixon began, “there are some who say that that [American] spirit is dead – that we no longer have the strength of character, idealism, and faith we once had.” That was October 1972; this is October 2010. America was in the midst of a deciding...

10.27.1970 – RN Signs Comprehensive Anti-Drug Act

This week is Red Ribbon Week, a national week of awareness in America about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. While it is true that Red Ribbon Week did not officially come into being until the mid-1980s, in a coincidental twist, President Richard Nixon signed the...

Whittier College Alum Discusses Nixon Legacy

From Sandra Molina of the Whittier Daily News: WHITTIER – Geoff Shepard is the remaining living individual with the most experience involved in the intricacies of Richard Nixon’s Watergate defense. He served five years in the Nixon White House, having...

Video: David and Julie Eisenhower Appear on CBS

The RN’s daughter and Ike’s grandson were featured in an exclusive interview on the latest CBS Sunday Morning. The two spoke about Going Home to Glory their new book about the final years of the iconic World War II General, his influence on President Nixon...

Video: RN White House Officials Discuss China Trip

Together with the Nixon Center and the University of Southern California’s U.S.-China Institute, the Nixon Foundation hosted a special Nixon Legacy Forum on the USC campus to explore RN’s historic opening to China and its impact on modern U.S.-China...