Aug 31, 2010 | News, Nixon TV
[youtube] August 31, 2010: Edward Nixon portrays his older brother and America’s 37th President, Richard Nixon.
Aug 31, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
The other day I came across a column in the Oklahoma City Journal-Record by Tom Wolfe – not The Right Stuff’s author, but a civil litigator practicing in that metropolis. Mr. Wolfe’s column, occasioned by the recent swearing-in of Justice Elena...
Aug 31, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
On September 1, 1972, RN spoke at the retirement ceremony of Admiral John S. McCain II , Commander of U.S. Forces in the Pacific and father of future Arizona Senator and then Vietnam War POW John S. McCain III. Speaking without notes at Hickam Air Force Base in...
Aug 31, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
Dan Morain of The Sacramento Bee writes of the connection between RN and California Senate candidate Carly Fiorina: President Richard M. Nixon took office pledging to remake the U.S. Supreme Court and appointed four justices during his first term. If Nixon had served...
Aug 26, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
In describing the GOP split on the politics of immigration, syndicated columnist Ruben Navarette blames RN and the “Southern Strategy” (though no such strategy ever existed) as the first cause: For more than 40 years, since the advent of the...
Aug 25, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
Thirty-nine years ago, President Richard Nixon, in the very same hall Abraham Lincoln used to deliver his famous “House Divided” speech that would lead to his nomination and election as President, remarked on signing a bill establishing the Lincoln Home National...